Friday, January 23, 2009


Well, another week still crappy...blowing a gale and sheeting down with rain this morning. We are all so sick of MUD !

Starting a 'tick over' plan with Craig.....his words 'training to train'......managed a few of the sessions but still feel 'Goofy' in my quads.....did my spinning class this morning and then straight in the pool for 600m swim.

Tonight, I am going to 'Bodypump' want to test my elbow through a hard weight session.
I have lost so much strength/muscle in my arm and hand I am now starting to panic !

Not much else happening....spin/run tomorrow......should have stopped raining by then !

Monday, January 19, 2009

A New Year !

Hey, it's been some time since I posted. I had hoped Gordy would want to write a race report but he felt he had told everyone all about his race and didn't want to bore everyone again !

Christmas and the New Year has come and gone and we have been to Florida for 'Goofy's Challenge'. As in the previous 2 years we had a brilliant time. It really is a fun week-end and I would recommend ANYONE to do's so ridiculous to do those distances in two days. Plus we always throw in the 5k on the Friday.....42.4 miles.....not too shabby.

For me, it was just lovely to be racing again...I use the term 'racing' loosely....just having a number on and running with a bunch of people and getting a medal at the end ! Nothing like Disney for some serious finisher's bling !

I have been cleared by my elbow doc to do ANYTHING now, including biking (outside). No surgery....he thinks I have recovered enough movement to make this unnnecessary.......just lots of exercise to strengthen the arm.......hitting the weight room now.

Probably not biking outside for a week or so..we have had the most miserable winter........freezing....windy....raining...there's water and mud everywhere.

I have learned to co-exist with the treadmill as it has been too icy to run outside ......the few times I have ventured outside I was very glad of my Ice Queen SKIRT......kept my butt nice and toasty.

Well, getting back into some structured training now....thanks, Craig.....I really need the discipline of a regular schedule.

To all our American friends, have a great day tomorrow....a truly historic one.