It's 4:10 in the afternoon - if all goes to plan tomorrow I should be in off the bike and out on the run ... we'll see. The time since we arrived on Tuesday night has gone incredibly quickly, Thursday morning was the first day we could swim in the lake so down we went - I led Gerry & Sue down part of the swim course while Jack went for a half-hour gentle run along the lake shore path.
The lake water was cool and murky - just like home - so no problems there. Just spent the time swimming steadily - throwing in the odd sprint & kick - and found that I fell into breathing every 4th stroke very naturally. The plan is to come out of the swim in 1 hour 30 minutes tomorrow.

Friday was quite windy - it calmed down by late afternoon and Sarah came over for a final test ride of our bikes - a couple of short loops testing the gears & brakes then back to the hotel for a quick "transition" and we joined up with Jack, Gerry & Sue for a gentle jog along part of the run course along the lake. Beautiful weather.
Saturday morning I decided not to bother with another swim, just sat on the side watching G & S while Jack signed up for the 2009 race. Back to the hotel to sort all my kit into the bags for tomorrow and then back to the transition area to check in my bike and bags.

Back in the room now (4:20) and resting until we have dinner at 7:00 then off to bed - will probably pick up donuts for breakfast(!) and slip down to the start fairly late - got our own marker pens so if there is a long line I can mark my own numbers on my arms & legs!
Keep an eye on www.ironman.com tomorrow to see what I'm up to.
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