The athletics stadium, velodrome and aquatic centres are all being built in the area of London where Jack grew up (Statford) and where I went to college, we met, got married there and lived there ... utterly unbelievable!
Turning to more mundane matters - our scars have healed pretty well and Jack got out on her bike yesterday for the first time in 4 weeks - her elbow was painful and she couldn't get down on the aeros very much but it's a start.
I ran 14 before breakfast on Wednesday with a descending Z4 pyramid - thanks Craig - but have not been able to ride. Was hoping to get out today (Sunday) but weather is pouring with rain - in fact the weather has been so bad we ordered a new Turbo Trainer this week!
Had the Serottas serviced at CycleFit in London on Tuesday and are looking forward to a day off tomorrow (Bank Holiday Monday) and a Half Marathon at the US Air Force base on Friday morning!
Bradley Wiggins is a stud!
Whats with the 4 x 400 relay joker taunting the field....surely he didnt think that was his race to win...???
Few folks from London moved in next door here...they seem nice!
surely you Brits can cycle like we yankees swim, volleyball, basketball, gymnastic, fence, run... but much better than we pass battons back and forth.
Looking forward to the show in London. I enjoyed the sampling we got on the tele.
Hi Jackie and Gordy! It was great seeing you at IMMOO! We need your email addy...Katy is really sick from the race and has a severe sinus/ear infection. She is glad she finished, but not too happy with her time...but considering that she has been in bed all week sick, she'll take it as a positive race. We are looking forward to the Premier League starting Saturday...Chelsea vs Manchester City and Newcastle vs Houle...
It was really great to see both of you..give me shout on my email!
Thanks, Jerry and Katy
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