Met up with some friends last night and had dinner before falling into bed at 9:00pm! I had a 55 minute run to do this morning (including some speedwork - thanks Craig!) so set off for the run course and left Gordy at the hotel ... he has to rest!
Run over, it was breakfast and then off to register for the race - even though I can't race I registered to pick up my Goody Bag. By now it was pouring with rain (yesterday's weather must have followed us). Met a guy from Los Angeles who is here with his wife - he's racing and she's spectating - and had lunch with them then back to the hotel to snooze and watch the opening ceremony of the Olympics ... a German voice-over the Chinese commentary - didn't understand a word in either language but it looked pretty cool. We'll get live coverage here so that should keep us occupied ... road race is on tomorrow morning.
Just back from the pasta party - very efficient even down to proper china and flatware.
I just watched what will be a tough act to follow: the Olympic opening ceremonies. London surely is up to the task, eh?
Good racing Gordy!
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